Hawkmaiden cover blurb

Tell me what y'all think:

The Falcon’s Call!

From the moment Dara of Westwood spied the Silver Headed Raptor nesting in Rundeval Peak, the precocious redheaded twelve year old girl was enchanted.  The youngest daughter of the Master of the Wood lived in ramshackle Westwood Hall, in the independently-minded Westwood estate of Sevendor.  Her determination to capture a baby falcon and train it wasn’t hampered by the fact that Dara had never climbed a mountain, had never been trained in falconry, or even remotely had permission from her father to do it.  Dara wanted the falcon . . . and the only thing in her way was the mountain, an angry mother falcon, and her own fears.

But the daring climb up Rundeval and actually capturing the fledgling falcon is just the beginning of her troubles.  Actually learning falconry and training the willful bird is a responsibility she had barely considered.  Worse, there is trouble afoot in the domain: a new lord has come to rule over Sevendor and all of her people, replacing the corrupt old Sir Erantal.  While everyone welcomes the change, the new lord is a wizard: a magelord, the first of his kind in four hundred years: Lord Minalan the Spellmonger.  And he’s not alone.  He’s brought thousands of oddly-dressed Wilderlanders with him, families escaping the wars in the west. . . . and settling in Sevendor.

Within weeks of holding his first court as lord of Sevendor, the wizard's magic begins to cause problems.  Magelord Minalan turns Sevendor Castle, the entire mountain of Rundeval, and a good portion of the Westwood –including Dara’s home – into enchanted white stone when a spell goes unexpectedly awry one fateful night.  As a result, Dara learns that she, too, may become a mage someday.  Soon after she discovers that she can see through her falcon’s eyes and share her thoughts, the talents of a beastmaster, opening up a brilliant new world for her.

The folk of the valley have enough to eat for the first time in a generation, there are wizards all over Sevendor, and the castle glows with a magic light at night. The fortunes of the Westwood estate rise.  But the Magelord finds foes as well as friends in Sevendor. 

Though prosperity flows from the Magelord’s benevolent rule, the changes are frightening to some who have lost power since the Magelord came.  Outside the Westwood, the other natives of the domain are upset by their magical lord and his strange new people, and there are whispers of rebellion.  And outside of the domain, the neighboring lords, urged on by sinister forces, conspire to plunge Sevendor into war – with Dara and her family along with it!

What can one girl and her falcon do?  When the Magelord leaves on business and his enemies close in on her home, Dara discovers she may hold the answer to saving them all!  The fate of the entire domain rests with Dara of Westwood, the girl they’ll call the Hawkmaiden!

Oh, yeah, here's my temporary cover:

The real one is getting done, now, but I don't know when it will be available yet.  This will have to serve.  

Oh, yeah.  Hawkmaiden will be up this weekend at a special "beta issue" cover price of $2.99.  That will rise to $3.99 on or around February 1, as the proofreading and the map is complete.  

Also please note:

*  This is a YOUNG ADULT novel.  It was written with young teens in mind.
*  This takes place concurrently with the events of MAGELORD
*  This is a SHORT novel (97,000 words)
*  This novel WILL NOT be available for Kindle Select or Kindle Lending Library, for the foreseeable future.  This is a marketing test.

That's all for now.  Keep your eyes open for it.


  1. Argh, can't wait much longer!!!

    I'm ot sure how to take it. Will we be starting the book off from before Dara developed her powers/got her falcon and came to the castle as an apprentice? Or is that just some of the prologue/synopsis or something? Either way I'm interested to see how the book goes and whether or not we will see any further developments for Sevendor and it's people through Dara's eyes. (Though obviously I'm still anticipating the next Min point of view book.) But Sevendor is Dara's home too and it will be interesting to see what kind of role she plays for it and other things too.

  2. I love it. I can't wait for it to come out because I want to read it. Quick catch though, in the first paragraph " even remotely had permission rom her father to do it" is rom supposed to be from?

    Just to recap, I like it.

  3. So the beta issue is basically an ARC?

  4. http://www.amazon.com/Hawkmaiden-Spellmonger-Cadet-Fantasy-Novel-ebook/dp/B00SNCIRSO/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1422064591&sr=1-1&keywords=terry+mancour

    Book is out.


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