The Great Rectification Has Begun!

Wanna see something cool?

Yep.  Those are real dead-tree editions of Spellmonger, now available here ( for your reading pleasure.  It was one of the surprises I wanted to get done before Christmas that didn't get done before Christmas.  But I just approved the proof today, and if you really want a slightly re-edited dead tree edition, that's where you can get it.

The corrections made for this edition are the first in the Great Rectification, the part of my career where I go back and lovingly tap all of my previous works into line for the sake of consistency and quality.  The updated Kindle should be available to you, although you may have to contact customer service to get it pushed out to you (and it will destroy the copious personal notes you made on the original).  As many as 70% of the typos were corrected in this edition, and chapter headings and minor re-writes were done throughout.  The same will be done for each of the Spellmonger books in turn.  And yes, this is a stepping-stone toward getting the Audible versions done, too.  And then some translations.

In other news, I'm back to writing again.  I didn't get into the two NIH studies that were interfering with my composition process, and my avoidance diet seems to be keeping me out of the hospital, so I'm back at work on Court Wizard again.  While I won't give a firm release date, because I'm just that way, I would prophesy that it will not be done before late February, at this point.

That's still WAAAY before George RR Martin will have his next book done.  Just for reference.

So as I'm feeling better, not getting sick, and ready to write again, expect me to resume my previous speed.  More news as events warrant.



  1. Well let me be the first to say Thanks!!

    Also - Way before GRRM is not saying ANYTHING LOL

  2. Thanks for the update Terry.

    Just wanted to ask if you were going to clear up the Delman and Bendonal the Outlaw deaths as well. Originally you had them both die at Timberwatch. "Delman had fallen on the wall, mere moments before Taren's spell went off. At his side had been Bendonal the Outlaw, pierced by dozens of blades..."

    Later at Cambrian you had Delman fall to the second dragon and Tyndal cover him with a shield. And in another book Bendonal was alive at Megelin with Azar. Min's explanation was that Bendonal was only thought to bed dead at Cambrian Castle and he was in fact recouping.

    Really enjoy your world building. Transgenics sounds amazing and cant wait to see what could happen with that branch of magic. And as much as I want to read Penny's solo story I think I am most excited for more Tyndal/Rondal ass kicking.

    1. I think the explanation was that Bendonal was stacked with the corpses until that mage healer noticed there was the faintest wisp of life left in him and used his own witchstone to heal him.

    2. Yes that is correct. But the problem is that

      1)Delman and Bendonal died at timberwatch. (Warmage)

      2)Delman was then alive at Cambrian where he died a second time (Magelord)

      3)Bendonal is then alive after only being thought dead at Cambrian (Journeymage)

      So not only did Delman die and get resurrected to die again. But Bendonal was also resurrected and then the place that he was resurrected from ie. Cambrian isn't even where he died.

    3. I don't think you're taking into account the time lapse between Warmange and Journeymage (with respect to Bendonal). He's just serving at Cambrian Castle now (after having been saved at timberwatch). I don't think anything says he died & was saved at Cambrian. (Granted, I think it could have been written differently in that Bendonal 1st appearance after his death is when his resurrection should be covered and that happens later.

    4. It actually does say he was thought to be dead at Cambrian and was recovering from it. Which I think is what Terry wanted but he wasn't taking into account that he killed him at Timberwatch.

  3. Niceness Terry, good to her from you as well, question, your wooden editions of your books, will they contain more maps and such like ? or will it be the same amount of "extra data" in the kindle edition as well as the wooden editions?

    Looking forward to the next installment, i must admit though, i'm not that much into Penny, but you are sure to make it work though...

  4. Wonderful news Terry. Stay Healthy. Do anything you can to get fit. I really do know what that sounds like after 4 months of getting (hopefully) the last chemo and radiation treatments. Always on Amazon and your website about the new book about the Court Wizard

  5. Health first, second and always. It's better to eek a book a year and stay healthy than 3 a year and end up not able to write period. You're doing WAY better than Martin and Weber.

    Get healthier and stay that way.

  6. Can't wait! Very happy to hear you are on the mend!

  7. Hi Terry,
    If I was part of the Kindle team I'd prefer you to ask for a 'push' of your new edition to all of your readers, rather than deal with all of the individual requests. (I assure you, there will be many.) If you've corrected as much as I think you have then I don't care about my notes.

    Anyway, stay well and I look forward to your next opus.

    (Perhaps others would like to comment about whether you should request a global 'push'.)

    1. i agree - push away, no need for all the bitching with Amazon Kindle Team

  8. Nice to hear your on the mend Terry, I was concerned about you!

    Great news releasing a dead tree edition, I'm so getting myself one of them! Any option / future for getting it signed as well?!

    Glad to hear the Spellmonger series continues with Court Wizard and looking forward to rereading all your books after their 'Great Rectification' :)



  9. Happy to hear you are doing well Terry. Was starting to get a little worried as it had been so long since your last post.

    Hope you are back to 100% and will look forward to your next book

  10. Really glad to see an update and especially glad to hear the health issues are under control! Looking forward to Court Wizard!

  11. loving it!
    so where do we ger signed copys?

  12. terry great to hear you are doing better and that you are writing again
    just dont pulll a george RR martin on us
    that being said i will drive up to durham everyday to help you get a show out of this series, to bad scifi doesnt do the mini series anymore this would be perfect for that

  13. Glad to hear you are back on your writing trail, can't wait to get your next book Gaaaaaaaaah xD

  14. Thanks Terry, hope your health will stay well, so don't overwork yourself!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I *also* want to know how i can get a signed copy of my dead tree

  17. Terry,

    I am glad everything is going well for you. Am I able to purchase spell monger and have it signed. I have been following you since it first was released.


  18. I just read the devil in the white city which is about the Chicago worlds fair and I was wondering you you named Olmstead after the real life landscaper. Either way I admire both of them

  19. just looked at your $22.99 third edition dead tree... um and again going to ask about signed copies

  20. If there is an updated kindle version it should be made available in through "Manage Your Devices and Contents" which it isn't

  21. I'm very glad to hear you are doing well and seem to be recovering. I have enjoyed the Spellmonger Series tremendously, reading and rereading them. You have helped me rediscover a love for a good fantasy series I long thought dried up. Thank you sir. And may Briga guide your hand and light your way.

  22. Happy Birthday, or at least that's what facebook's telling me.

  23. Just re-reading your books for what I feel is the 3rd or 4th time and you still get me in all of the soft spots. Glad that you're feeling more like yourself and back at it. You keep writing, we'll keep on buying.

  24. Yeah, Terry - what news ? Anything ? Maybe a little spoiler or something we entertain our selves with?

  25. It is hard to publish slower than George R.R. Martin and still be breathing. Looking forward to court wizard :)

  26. Just a quick question, is Hawk Lady still expected in early 2016?

  27. Yes, please advise what and when next release is.

  28. Hi Terry,
    I'm sorry to say this, but you've spoiled us all. With the release of so many books last year we can't help but be impatient for the next ones. I'm glad you seem to be doing much better, and realize its got to be hard to get back into that kind of writing frenzy. So I'm not asking for a new book by tomorrow, but how about an update? Court Wizard, or Hawkmaiden, or your prediction on the broncos-panthers game tonight? Pretty much anything man, anything at all.

  29. I'm shooting for an April release of Court Wizard. We'll see how that turns out.

    1. April is here!!!! At risk of showing my inner nerd, I think it's important for you to know, I check the kindle book store daily for any updates on your latest release... even though, I have read that there is no confirmed deadline. I'm anxiously awaiting!
      Your biggest closet fan

  30. Still before next game of thrones book

    1. Chuckle....but you can "watch" the end on HBO... with Terry we get the pleasure of being able to read the books, no other way to get Spellmonger

  31. Wonderful news. Keep your health up good sir!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Just finished Enchanter.. ..Wow. I havn't power read a book like that since the dragon reborn by Robert Jordan.

    I'm struggling knowing I'm going to have to wait for what comes next!! :P

  34. Any updates on Trask's Odyssey's progress?

    Wikipedia tells us that "The third sequel, Trask's Odyssey, will be published by early 2012" but I'm pretty sure its safe to disregard that.

    1. Paul, I have tried for years to get a valid timeline for Trask's Odyssey to be completed. I got no response, I got research is being conducted, I got told it will be completed soon, I got ignored. I tried to get publication answers by being nice, by being snarky, by being sarcastic, by being angry and finally by stating just tell us your not going to make the third sequel. On the other hand, I asked for Terry to share more information about himself, sample writings from current books, ideas of what might be ahead in a story arc and to his credit, he has done that. I enjoy Terry's books, his character development and the background images he creates. I just don't believe he has any interest left in continuing or finishing the story arc of Trask's Odyssey and it is a damn shame.

    2. Actually he said he is working on it in his September post. I want it as well, I've been a Piper fan forever, but..... It's not like I don't love what he's doing now.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. missed the "spellmongers honeymoon" until i bought and read it today..

    and i think it's quite easy to say where Minalan will have to go to fix Alya's mind :)

    Get that bottle opened asap!

  37. g'day terry any chance we can get something to read before April?

  38. Soo, I've been going through an a bit of a phase.
    have you considered having audiobooks of the spellmonger series made? once each book has been "Rectified", you can have them recorded! I would love to hear what all of the accents actually sound like, and I would pay money to actually hear what the characters sound like.....ESPECIALLY Azar the Magnificent.

  39. Hi terry, hope you are doing well. Any idea when your going to be publishing court wizard as I'm eagerly awaiting its release! Thanks

  40. Dear Terry,

    I love your books and eagerly anticipate your new one.


    P.S. You suck at updates ;)

  41. He's normally very good with updates.... Hope all is well ...

  42. Love the series and would love an update.

  43. Terry please hows it coming, is progress going well? are the audiobooks coming? Are YOU well?

  44. Hey Terry,

    It's self serving I know. I'm going on holidays in the next few weeks and would love nothing better than to be able to knock the froth off a nice cold frosty one whilst chewing into your next tome on my kindle!
    I hope your fingers are dancing across your keyboard working their wiley ways. Keep typing and I'll keep reading!


  45. well. April is here...Maybe its May when Court Wizard will be out..Hope there's pictures... and the much sought after Girls of Sevendor 2016 Swinsuit Calendar...

  46. we need that Calendar almost as much as the next new book...

    I get, that Mr. Mancour aint into posting every month that the new book will take more time but we got updates every month this time last year and it have been three post in the last nine months.
    Yes, he was sick and to work on his books for the hardcover editions is a great thing. Yet we would love to hear more, its doesnt have to be exclusively about the books. A note what you read or other silly things (like your new coffee cup) would put a smile on our faces when we check your block (maybe a little post at the end like "the book need some more time, its gonna come out later then expected" or "gotta move, so not much time to write for a few weeks" is all we would ask for)

  47. wait..theres Spellmonger coffee mugs?? humm calendar or coffee mugs?? ... calendar or coffee mugs??? cant decide...

  48. Guys there was an update on his Spellmonger FB page from 23 March.

    "It's looking more like the end of April, not the beginning. Unfortunately, my father went into the hospital for a few days and has set back my writing schedule. In addition, my editor is in the process of moving at the moment. But I'm still pushing for an end of April release. Sorry, that's just how life works sometimes. I'm still better than George RR Martin. And I have other projects in the works as well."

    1. Link? The Spellmonger FB page I have shows only 2015.


      This is the Spellmonger Facebook page.

  49. no mention of the swimsuit calendar (sigh).. or coffee mugs...or tee shirts. ...or...

  50. Awesome! Looking forward to collecting the whole series on both kindle and paper! Love the world building and hopefully more artwork and maps. Probably my favorite series! Stay healthy and keep up the good work!

  51. Hey, Terry. I'm pretty sure your Facebook account was hacked today. "You" re-friended me today and then started asking me if I'd heard about the $80K Facebook grant award. It really didn't sound like you. I saved a screen shot in case you're interested. I hope you're doing well (apart from that) ~ Ursula


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